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Design and life musings


Wedding Wednesday-Bridesmaid Cards

Rachel Sax

As an illustrator, I knew I wanted a personal and artistic way to ask my bridesmaids to be a part of our wedding day.  In addition to being personal, I knew this needed to be done quickly. I could spend days working on an illustration project but there are about 1000 other items on my wedding to-do list so timing on any task is key. Luckily, I stumbled across a Wedding DIY on Design Darling which led me to Shutterfly.  After going through the design process and seeing the final product, I could not be happier with their services. The process for uploading my custom watercolor illustration was super easy and user friendly. The whole site has great UX Design and already has me thinking about future projects. 

Not only was the Shutterfly platform easy to use, it was far and away the best option pricewise! Totally hooked #myshutterfly

Not only was the Shutterfly platform easy to use, it was far and away the best option pricewise! Totally hooked #myshutterfly