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Design and life musings


Thoughts & Insights 2nd Monthly Newsletter

Rachel Sax

And just like that, it’s almost Spring and we are all counting down the days to warmer weather and (hopefully) more vaccine availability. As a mom who has spent most of the pandemic chasing a toddler while pregnant and now 1 month postpartum, lululemon align leggings and sporty tops have been my go-to’s, and the expanding athleisure market has been top of mind. According to research firm The NPD Group total apparel sales decreased -19% in 2020, while sweatpants are up +17%. With all the time spent at home, it was only natural that people would turn in their wear-to-work wardrobe for creature comforts. NPD also reports that “Activewear buyers are currently spending 11% more per purchase compared to non-activewear buyers”. With this shift toward comfort over formality, it seems like every brand is trying to get in on the action, regardless of its original focus. From workwear brands like MMLa Fleur introducing a “washable cashmere sweatsuit” to outdoor mainstay LL.Bean diving into the space with multiple categories, the space continues to overflow with every brand's take on comfortable basics and zoom-appropriate sweatshirts. Popular shopping sites like Shopbop (January landing page pictured below) have bought into this as well with influencer partnerships, expansive editorial content and large inventory buys into multiple brands. 

The obvious question is: how long before this bubble bursts? Or is comfort wear our new normal? The not obvious question is: will people ditch brands like Lululemon and Athleta to look for new brands? When it comes to actual athletic wear - leggings, sports bras and the like - my thought would be that although shoppers may buy a one-off from a new collection or brand, they will ultimately remain loyal to brands they already know, especially since this shopping is more than likely to be done online and not in a store where you can try multiple sizes and styles. One way brands can expand during the current comfort boom is by making slight tweaks to categories they already have a foothold in. For example, cult denim brand Rag & Bone rolled out denim printed joggers and elevated staples brand Veronica Beard debuted an elastic waisted jean. After a year of quarantine and a new baby, these look especially attractive.

A few fun links:

  1. Superfluous yet necessary: Dropps dishwasher pods. As a “throw the bottles and sippy cups in the dishwasher” mom I was looking for a cleaner alternative to your everyday dishwasher pod that didn’t make the dishes smell like chemicals. Enter Dropps pods I discovered via Lemon Stripes. They get everything just as clean and have easy-to-use UX and great subscription packages on their site which I always appreciate.

  2. Most made recipe; Ambitious Kitchen Banana Oatmeal Pancakes; Healthy, filling, easy to make extra to save for multiple toddler breakfasts.

  3. New stationary product alert: Nursery Ballet Illustrations are now available in the Society6 shop.  

  4. Local rec:  I was so thrilled to see the Biden motorcade stop at Call Your Mother “Jew-ish” Deli for a bagel and cream cheese! We love their creative takes on classic sandwiches, the candied salmon cream cheese spread, and babka muffins. Definitely the best bagel sandwich I’ve had since leaving New york. 

Shopbop athleisure.png