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Design and life musings


Thoughts & Insights 4

Rachel Sax

I often see influencers and retailers using sustainable as a marketing tool. Capitalizing off a collective renewed interest in climate change, they seem to encourage consumers to buy more sustainable apparel as if it will melt into the air once you’re done wearing it. In reality, to tackle sustainability we have to go beyond the marketing ploy and simply buying things with a well-meaning catchphrase attached. 

One of the ways companies can handle this is finally getting in on the resale market. Companies like Mara Hoffman, Nike, and (in a surprise turn of events) Lululemon are betting on the resale market being profitable in a more mainstream way than it has in the past. Historically, resale has been more of a consumer practice, mostly driven by closet cleanouts and it’s been interesting to watch this part of the business switch over to the brand side. The motives for investing in large scale effort may be driven by profit (resale is going to happen and brands might as well make $ on it) but if the outcome is a product having a longer life before it is discarded and an overall drop in consumption, it’s definitely a win for the planet. Not to mention, at a lower price point this practice could act as a gateway to get new customers excited about their brand.

  • Big thanks to Christine Jasper for chatting with me about sustainability as inspiration for this letter. We met via the Co-Lab, an awesome networking community for fashion, beauty, wellness, retail, and consumer luxury professionals.

A few fun links:

1.Favorite recent purchase: I finally set a timer and ordered limited-batch Jannuzzi’s cookies this past Sunday. The Marge Cinnamon Swirl cookies were just as good as they looked on instagram.

2.Most Made recipe: In an attempt to work carrots into my toddler’s meal plan: Carrot Cake Pancakes from Ambitious kitchen.

3.New Work Alert: Custom wedding invite for a Philly Equestrian Bride (pictured above).

4.New Favorite local rec: TAIM HAS COME TO DC. Technically my obsession with Taim began in NYC but I was thrilled to hear that they opened up 2 DC locations.