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Design and life musings


Thoughts & Insights 5

Rachel Sax

Earlier this summer, I finally did what it seemed like the universe had been trying to convince me to do for weeks; I ordered a Summersalt swimsuit. This summer marks a large shift in consumer behavior and after 18 months of lockdown and uncertainty Swimwear sales are up 19% to pre pandemic levels while sales for women’s dresses were $7 million higher in 2021 than even 2019 according to the NPD Group. Apparel companies are banking on the bounce back in consumer spending and brands like Summersalt are pulling out all the stops to maximize their footprint. Since the start of swimwear season, they have hit consumers with multiple paper mailers of their inclusive “Everybody is a Summersalt body” campaign, google ads and what seems like infinite influencer featured social media ads.

The swimwear wasn’t the right fit for me but after experiencing their seamless exchange program, I ordered a knit rib top which I loved and ordered in an additional color. When I first ordered the swimsuits, I joked with my husband that Summersalt was going to spend more in acquisition costs than they would make on my actual order. It's clear to me now that at this moment, that's not the way they look at their business. Armed with the knowledge that shoppers are ready to spend after a year of wearing sweats they are maximizing their footprint in our consciousness now, hoping to leave a lasting loyalty to the brand imprinted. Personally, after my experience with Summersalt, I’m more likely to buy from them in the future. If brands want to make a lasting impression, now is the time to maximize their marketing spend. 


1. Favorite recent purchase: My new Summersalt soft rib black elbow sleeve tee. I’m always looking for unique black basics and the fabric, texture and fit are unlike anything else I have seen lately.  

2. Most Made Recipe: In an attempt for a less-mess healthy weekday breakfast for my toddler (and myself), I’ve been making us the Ambitious Kitchen Salted Oatmeal Cookie and Pineapple Kale smoothies (seriously professional Smoothie bar flavor and consistency with cauliflower and greens you can’t even taste).

3. New Work Alert: Custom Kids Stationary

4. New Favorite local rec: Other than my very favorite Levain Bakery opening in Bethesda, Philly based L.Priori Jewels is now opened in Georgetown, I absolutely love their selection of approachable, high-quality fine jewelry.